Happiness Quiz “Happiness is a journey, not a destination”—Souza Happiness is that thing everyone wants, but most don’t have. It’s that thing you spend your life trying to attain, when in reality, it’s been inside you all along. Sure, you have to make some changes to bring it to the surface and make it daily reality but it’s there, ready and waiting for you. So just how happy are you? Let’s find out. Choose the answers that sound most like you: 1. When you look around at your life, what makes you happy? A. My Possessions: car, house, clothes, bank account, job B. My Relationships: family, friends, colleagues, mentors C. Myself: knowing and accepting who I am, making a contribution to the world 2. When you feel happiest, what have you achieved? A. A job promotion, a raise, a new toy of some kind (cars, gadgets, status bag, etc) B. Made a deep connection with someone I care about C. Made a contribution to the world in a way that means something to me 3. I know who I am and I am happy with myself? A. Yes/No (I may act like I am, but inside I’m really not) B. Yes (Most Days) C. Yes 4. I have a strong sense of purpose in my life? A. Not really B. I have a direction I’m trying to move in, but I still have some internal work to do C. Yes, I feel fulfilled every single day 5. I am able to forgive easily when I have been wronged? A. No, I tend to hold grudges B. Most of the time, but I never forget C. Yes, it’s something I’ve worked on internally and am at peace with 6. I am able to address my problems and find solutions? A. Not really B. Most of the time C. Yes 7. I feel I contribute to my community? A. Not really B. Sometimes, although I’d like to do more C. Yes 8. I take care of my health because I know it matters? A. Only when it will help me get something I want (a better body, looks, a hot date) B. Sometimes, but it’s hard C. Yes, I make myself a priority in my life 9. The people who are closest to me I can count on? A. Count on? I don’t know if I’d go that far B. My family and close friends C. Anyone I need to, I know how to create and sustain relationships in a way that works for both people in all situations 10. Money, power, and status define me and make me happy? A. Yes B. Not really C. No EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.