Your Money Value

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Do you know your money values? Your money values are reflective of your money experiences and your subconscious money blocks.  You create them in your childhood and you experience more of them as an adult. Your money lessons are what we sometimes refer to as our money values. Your money lessons may sound something like this, ” I got burned by so and so.” Or ” I learned to accept only cash.” Or “I will never do this or that again.” But that’s not quite it. 

Your money lessons show you where you consider your money values and it also shows you where you are lacking in your financial worth.

You see several of my clients have undergone a traumatic event(s) that disrupted their sense of value and their sense of worth. It doesn’t matter what the exact trauma was a loss of a job, being unable to work, COVID, illness or injury, or a divorce. It impacted them on how they saw themselves and their ability to earn a living, save, make ends meet, and plan for a future. 

Some of you may be reading this wide eyed realizing that one horrible job you lost really did shape your next financial moves and it also helped shape your money values. Your money values are what you hold dear. I had a client tell me they would rather “be poor” then work for so and so again. Guess what? That happened they spent decades barely able to financially survive. They wondered why when they began their home grown business why it was so hard to make ends meet? They had told themselves they would rather be poor than profitable. And assumed when they wanted to be profitable it would just happen without realizing they had created a financial block. 

It didn’t take long, after only one session, to help them see their block and use money generating techniques that changed them for the better. So much better they no longer worry about money. Because not only do their financial ends meet every month, they even know how to generate money outside of their business. Read that again!

When life isn’t fair to you and gosh darn it I’m so sorry when it’s not fair to you. It does affect you personally, deeply, and financially. It can really have you believe that your earning potential in your field won’t amount to much. Low money self-worth will allow you to get involved in unstable family financial arrangements. Low money self-worth will see only one way out of your money issues. There is a reason money problems are the number one reason for divorce, There is a reason financial problems create anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. 

But hey, I’m not here to bring you down. I’m here to remind you that your money values can change. You can learn your 8 money archetypes and map your way out of your current dilemma and chart a new course. All you have to do is want to make the changes and agree to make those changes happen. The financial shift you are asking for is not that far out of your reach:) True financial success, true financial fitness, and true financial muscle occurs because we practice it, live it, and dream it daily. 

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